
Scripture “Pride comes first; disgrace soon follows; with the humble is wisdom found.”  ~Proverbs 11:2, NJB Quote Pride can be nauseating and toxic; it can take the shine off of a gold medal. ~Ray Comfort I have a friend at Grace Point who is an avid Auburn Fan. If Auburn is on the field or…

The Greatest Invitation

Scripture “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” ~Matthew 11:28, NLT Quote The Savior always welcomes you into His presence, regardless of how you’re feeling or what mistakes you have made. ~Charles Stanley Can you imagine getting an invitation to the White House?…

A Perpetual Problem

Scripture Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. ~Proverbs 16:18, NET Quote Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness are mere flea bites in comparison to pride. Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind. ~C.S. Lewis I was having lunch with a young preacher a couple of weeks ago and he…

Created For Intimacy

Scripture All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. ~I Corinthians 13:12, NLT Quote We were created for intimacy–for such a close relationship that we can bear our soul and still feel loved, worthy and protected. ~Charles Stanley Some men…


Scripture Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. ~Luke 24:45, NLT Quote Without divine revelation, there is no human understanding. ~Ya’akov How many times did Jesus tell His disciples that it was necessary for Him to go to Jerusalem, and that He would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders,…


Scripture “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” ~John 14:18, NASB Quote Orphan…a child deprived by death of one or usually both parents. ~Merriam-Webster Sometimes it takes years for sin to run its course. James said, Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth…

Yahweh Loves Justice

Scripture “The word of Yahweh is straightforward, all he does springs from his constancy. He loves uprightness and justice.”  Psalm 33:4-5, NJB Quote Biblically speaking, there is no such thing as social justice. Justice in the Bible is never preceded with an adjective. ~Voddie Baucham, Jr. There is an old black spiritual that includes the…

Why The World Hates

Scripture “There is no numbering those who oppose me without cause, no counting those who hate me unprovoked.” ~Psalm 38:19, New Jerusalem Bible Quote The better the man, the more the world will hate him. ~Ya’akov Since President Trump has now officially completed his term: we can say he was the best president in recent…